Searching the World Wide Web

Today it is increasingly difficult to find what you are looking for on the Internet. Here are a collection of sites that offer a nice summary of information.

Comprehensive Search Facility

Resources Built from Manually Maintained Lists

These resources add new links when users send new addresses to the owner of the index. Thus, the quality of the index is influenced by the clientele, and more frequently used indices tend to grow faster.

Most of these sites contain both hypertext indexes (hierarchical lists) and the abilility to search the database by specifying a query.


Cornucopia: A Basket Full of Gardening & Culinary Tips

 [Listed in the ULTIMATE Restaurant Directory]

Robot Generated Databases

These databases are generated by various robot web searchers (many of the robots were developed as Computer Science thesis projects). Some of the databases also allow users to provide input.

The quality of these databases depends crucially on the specific robot software. They tend to be comprehensive, but also overwhelming in their detail since no human is organizing the data into manageable packets.

Most databases are searched by specifying a query. A few contain browseable indexes (hierarchical lists).